Our Forte

Accounts Receivable

Staying on top of your Accounts Receivable is of utmost importance when it comes to cash flow management. Fluctuating volume of invoices adds to the complexity of Receivables Management.
At Collab, our professionally trained team members take care of your receivables to minimise the chances of errors and helps you generate a consistent stream of cash flow.

A Clear Picture

Account Receivable


The scope of our work includes

  • Create Invoices With Appropriate Details
  • Review Of Invoices Created
  • Email Invoices To Customers
  • Automate The Process Of Invoicing To Avoid Human Error
  • Manage Customers In Bookkeeping Software
  • Integrate Payment Gateways Like Stripe, Paypal, Square Etc.
  • Reconcile Receivables On A Periodic Basis
  • Sending Courteous Payment Reminders For Overdue Invoices
  • Match Payments Received Against Open Invoices
  • Responding To Customer Queries

You’ll need to provide

  • Details Of Goods / Services Provided
  • Details Of Customers
  • Details About Payment Terms
  • Access To Merchant & Customer Portal

Reports we provide

  • Aged Receivables Report
  • Customers Payments Report
  • Overdue Invoices Report

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